August 2023

Protecting and repairing books made easy

Whether library stock or a privately owned page-turner, books that we want to preserve in the long run can be protected against damage with simple means. In this article, we present some helpful tips for preserving your books.

Simple solutions for paperback covers, book spines, labels, or book pages

Everyone who likes books knows that they get pretty worn out after a few years. In public libraries, this process takes place even faster. After a short amount of time, some books need to be replaced altogether. To save money and resources, many of the most commonly occurring damages can be easily repaired or prevented altogether. This way, you can preserve books in the long run.

Quick and easy application

filmolux® soft is a protection film that is very easy to apply and that allows for small application errors to be corrected easily. There is also a PVC-free alternative – filmolux® soft PP. Thanks to their reduced initial adhesive strength, it is very easy to apply the films bubble-free. With the grid on the back liner, the film can be cut into shape.


Reinforcing or repairing the inner book spine of paperbacks

Anyone who likes to read paperbacks knows that the inner book spine is usually one of the parts that gets damaged first. It is a pity if a favorite book falls apart completely. In public libraries, the books are exposed to even greater strain. Unfortunately, some readers do not always treat the books with care.

Fortunately, this damage can be avoided or even repaired relatively easily. With filmoplast® P 90 you can strengthen the inner book spine efficiently. The self-adhesive, wood-free, and tear-resistant special fleece is easy to apply and protects your books from falling apart in the long run.

If you would rather not spend the time or money to equip all books before damage occurs, filmoplast® P 90 is also an excellent choice. Dismantled book spines and torn-out pages can be effectively repaired.

Preserving book labels

Almost every library uses self-adhesive labels for inventory management. Unfortunately, these come off quickly. Having to constantly renew the labels not only causes avoidable costs but also takes a lot of time.

filmolux ® 609 label protection is a good solution. The already pre-cut protective films can be easily removed from the silicone paper. The product is a self-adhesive, glossy, crystal-clear soft PVC film with spontaneous initial adhesion.

For libraries, it is a great benefit that filmolux® 609 is washable and resistant to a wide range of cleaning agents and solvents. This film is coated with a solvent-free, age-resistant, and permanently elastic acrylic adhesive.


If you would like to order samples of our book protection and repair portfolio, please contact our customer service. We are happy to assist you.